Forehead | Pigment, wrinkles, inflammation, dryness, pores & laxity
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Forehead | Pigment, wrinkles, inflammation, dryness, pores & laxity

A lot can go on with the forehead. Some of the changes our forehead experiences as we age are anticipated, while others did not have to happen so quickly... When you think about your forehead, focus on what draws your attention to this skin - is there a change in pigmentation? wrinkles? inflammation? dryness? enlarged pores? or is your skin heavy with laxity? Read more...



Video: Techei

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Why discuss the forehead separate from the rest of our face?

When you look in the mirror, the broadest surface of our facial anatomy is the forehead. It is somewhat convex, meaning it slopes slightly outward. This allows it to reflect light uniformly across its surface. When your skin is even toned, hydrated, smooth, and not inflamed the reflection of light will give the impression of a glow. This glow to many eyes is perceived as a sign of "healthy" skin. Although hairstyles, hairline, and eyebrows will impact this, recognizing the various changes our skin will experience over time can help pinpoint what is changing or what could change and which interventions may be best to take or preventions to consider.

What changes does the forehead experience as we get older?

Let's review the changes the forehead experiences by decade to make it a little simpler to understand which preventions and interventions to consider.

During the teen years is when some of the first changes are often noted along the forehead skin. This is most often in the form of acne and blemishes, also known as post-inflammatory pigmentation. Another condition common to experience is seborrhea which can manifest as what we call a "greasy scale". It almost appears as though the skin is dry from the scaling but there is also a greasy or oily quality of the skin. It can make it challenging to determine if you should moisturize or exfoliate!

As we enter our 20s, the impact of excess UV exposure and visible light from earlier in life may start to manifest as discoloration. Spots and patches of darker or lighter pigment can start to develop in these exposed areas. Forehead, especially along the hairline, the cheeks, the nose, and the sides of the neck. Hormonally, another form of pigmentation can also manifest called melasma.

In our 30s, photo exposure early in life - even if you have been so careful in your 20s, can trigger more pigmentation changes in your skin. If you are prone to rosacea, a tendency to flush or blush easily, evidence of this can start to persist. Pore size may seem enlarged or patulous. This can give the skin an orange peel appearance with widened spread-out pores as a result of excess fluid that accumulates in the skin from rosacea.

Towards the end of our 30s and early 40s, fine lines and wrinkles will start to develop in the most dynamic areas of our skin, particularly the forehead. The forehead is particularly prone to developing lines simply because the muscles of our forehead attach directly to the skin. Natural aging of the skin can trigger these lines but premature aging of the skin accelerates it. Premature aging from excess UV exposure, poor diet, smoking, pollution, and medications can accelerate collagen and elastic fiber breakdown making the skin appear more crepe-like and lax.

In our 50s, the changes will become more pronounced if not addressed sooner. By the time our 60s roll around, the laxity of the skin from decreased collagen and elasticity will make the skin appear to sag making it more challenging for skincare products and minimally invasive procedures to be as effective.

Video: Techei

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