Testosterone & Hair Loss
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Testosterone & Hair Loss

Although we often assume a connection between hair loss and testosterone, studies reveal a more complicated relationship. Read more...




testosterone hair loss

Photo: Wix

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Is there a connection between hair loss and testosterone (natural or synthetic)?

There are 4 major androgens or male sex hormones. These are:

  • DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone)

  • Testosterone

  • DHT (dihydrotestosterone)

  • Androstenedione

Although we often assume a connection between hair loss and testosterone, studies reveal a more complicated relationship. DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) has a more sound connection to hair loss given the benefits noted with products that block the 5𝞪 reductase enzyme. The 5𝞪 reductase enzyme acts on testosterone to create DHT. When this enzyme is blocked, less DHT is produced delaying the onset of hair loss. Ironically, there is a study that showed that androgen deficient women receiving testosterone supplementation actually demonstrated increased hair growth.

Does testosterone hormone therapy increase the chances of hair loss?

Interestingly, hair loss is not often reported as a side effect associated with testosterone replacement therapy. The true association is with DHT as opposed to testosterone.

Anything else to know about testosterone/DHT and hair loss?

Most of the testosterone in the body is bound to a protein called the SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin). This leaves little free testosterone as bioavailable to exert an effect. Given that DHT is likely more associated with hair loss, if hormone replacement therapy is a consideration for other reasons, 5𝞪 reductase enzyme inhibitors such as finasteride could be considered.

testosterone hair loss

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